The School Health Program is defined as “the school procedures that contribute to the maintenance and improvement of the health of pupils and school personnel including health services healthful living and health education”.Medical Check-up is only the initial step in a great scheme of progress which involves the improvement of not only the physical but the mental and moral development of the children. Although the system of school medical Check-up has been in existence for a number of years, yet the outcome of the result have not been satisfactory for the following reasons as pointed out by Secondary Education commission.
- The medical inspection has been done in a perfunctory manner;
- The defects that have been brought out even by this type of examination have not been remedied because the remedial measures suggested are often not carried out;
- There is no follow-up, even in the case of those who have been declared as defective;
Effective co-operation has not been established between the school authorities and the parents, either due to ignorance or due to lack of financial resources or reports of the school medical officers. Unless and until the present system is improved considerably, it would be a mere waste of time and money to continue this type of medical inspection in the urban areas in most schools there is provision for medical inspection of students.
Objectives of School health:
- The promotion of positive health.
- The prevention of diseases.
- Early diagnosis, treatment and follow up of defects.
- Awakening health consciousness in children.
- Process of program being implemented.
CSR Partnership
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